Let's Meet


Vaggelis Tzimas - Computer Technician and Aspiring Front end Developer

Born and raised in Crete, I relocated to Ioannina, Greece at the tender age of 12. This move marked the start of my lifelong engagement with music and technology, beginning with my study of the guitar at a local music school. Upon completing my secondary education, I pursued further studies in Computer Engineering at a prestigious community college. It was during this formative period that my interest in programming and web development began to flourish. Today, I am proud to hold the position of a computer technician, supplemented by my ongoing education in programming. Two years post-graduation, I remain a devoted student of my craft. My ambition is to evolve into a full stack developer, dedicating countless hours to learning and perfecting my skills. I invite you to peruse my front-end portfolio. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate and bring your innovative ideas and websites to life.

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Dare , Dream and Conquer!

Programming Languages and other skills

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Ioannina Music Juiniour High and High School

2014 - 2020

Man Power Employment Organization School for computer Engineering and technician

2020 - 2022

Public vocational training institute , for forest safety tecnian and specialist

2022 - Now

Education And certificates